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Carbon Footprint Estimate

The carbon footprint estimate gives an energy consumption estimation as well as an estimation for the combined CO2 emissions of the products in the proposal. The estimates are calculated as follows:

Calculation of the carbon footprint

The footprint estimation is using the core logic of the cloudcarbonfootprint project and calculates the estimated CO2e emissions and kilowatt hours per month for the proposal or a selected instance.


The footprint estimate is a simplified estimate using the methodology of the cloudcarbonfootprint project, without considering the Embedded Emissions. The total footprint estimate is a combined estimate from three partial estimates:

  • Compute footprint, depends on the CPU amount and type
  • Memory footprint, depends on the RAM amount
  • Storage footprint, depends on the used storage amount


The calculated CO2 emissions and kilowatt hours are only a rough estimate based on the methodology of the cloudcarbonfootprint project. The estimates should not be considered as absolute values, but rather as a comparison of which product or instance is better regarding the emissions. Currently we can only create estimations for AWS, Azure and Google products, that have either CPUs, RAM or storage modeled. Also, the solution footprint estimate will display the estimated footprint only for the applicable instances within the solution. This means if you have a solution with one instance from AWS and one from Oracle (which is not considered in the estimate), the total solution footprint would be equivalent to the footprint of the AWS instance.