Carbon Footprint Estimate
The carbon footprint estimate gives an energy consumption estimation as well as an estimation for the combined CO2 emissions of the products in the proposal.
The carbon footprint estimate gives an energy consumption estimation as well as an estimation for the combined CO2 emissions of the products in the proposal.
Txture endeavors to identify the most suitable target architecture for a given application, aligning with the specified target architecture preferences.
Txture analyzes the AS-IS deployment of applications to generate proposals for their target architecture in the cloud (hereinafter "cloud proposals").
Whenever multiple applications share an asset in their deployment stacks, conflicts may arise. This is a natural consequence of Txture's application-centric approach.
In order to compute meaningful target architectures, certain data is required.
You can create a proposal from scratch without any prior configurations.
When migrating infrastructure to the cloud, choosing the correct size of the target cloud instances is an important task, as the machine size is a dominating factor in the final cloud costs.
When transitioning to a cloud environment, optimizing resource sharing among multiple applications can prove highly advantageous.
The Solution Workbench allows for creating comprehensible cloud solution architecture diagrams.
After you've decided to migrate (parts of) your assessed application landscape, you move on to the next step: planning the target architecture of your applications in the cloud.
Target Architecture is the third section in the Transformation Cockpit.