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Cost and Carbon Data Ingestion

Txture offers different options to obtain cost, carbon emission and energy consumption data on an IT asset level. Once you have achieved these data insights on an asset level, Txture offers a distribution and allocation model to establish visibility of cost, carbon emissions and energy consumption also on an Application, organization and Business Capability level.


Regarding cost the following options are offered on an asset level:

  • Estimation of monthly cost per cloud resource This is based on known cloud product types and additional sizing data as relevant.

    This information gets used together with our cloud knowledge catalog and a calculation model similar to the pricing calculators of the Cloud Service Providers, in order estimate monthly runtime cost.

    See the corresponding AS-IS Usage Data Consolidation for more information.

  • Actual cost per cloud resource with FOCUS based billing data


Available since Txture 45.

Based on data that is formatted according to the FinOps Open Cost and Usage Specification (FOCUS™), actual billing data can be ingested for all managed assets in Txture. Billing data is grouped per (past) month and per cloud resource.

FOCUS is an open-source standard designed to streamline cloud billing data across multiple cloud platforms. It provides a consistent schema for billing data, reducing complexity and enabling better financial management across cloud services.

See the corresponding AS-IS FOCUS Billing Integration

  • Manual or derived cost for on-premises resources or auxiliary cost of cloud services

    Txture offers a general model that let's you manage different types of costing information per asset. By default runtime cost, CAPEX, license cost or maintenance cost are supported, but using Txture's Structure Editor you can also add arbitrary other cost properties by tagging them with the Direct Custom Cost semantic tag. These properties and values are immediately recognized by the aforementioned cost model and get distributed and allocated too.

    In practice on-premises cost or auxiliary cloud cost (i.e. any cost other than known runtime or license cost) can be managed or derived with Txture platform capabilities as follows:

    • Using Change Propagation to derive local asset cost. E.g. you have cost estimates on a per-CPU-core or per-memory-GB level for physical servers and with it derive purchase cost or monthly cost.

    • Using Importers to directly ingest cost data for assets e.g. form a CSV dump listing any hardware, software, license, maintenance cost, etc.

    • Using manual modeling on asset level to provide cost information

Carbon Emissions and Energy Consumption

Regarding carbon emissions and energy consumption the following options are offered on an asset level:

  • Estimation of monthly carbon and energy per cloud resource This comparable to cost estimations as described in the previous section and is achieved with the AS-IS Usage Data Consolidation as well.

  • Manual or derived carbon and energy for on-premises resources Txture offers a general model to store carbon emission and energy consumption data on an asset level. This information is typically provided in a similar fashion as described in the corresponding section about cost.

    For carbon estimations of on-premises server hardware of virtual machines a model based on

    • Processor type and CPU cores
    • Type and amount of memory
    • Type and amount of storage
    • Some fixed value estimations for server components, periphery, etc.
    • Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) or Data Center infrastructure Efficiency (DCiE) value of the datacenter (for effective energy consumption)
    • Location information for grid intensity (for effective carbon emissions) can be applied. If you are interested in this, please reach out for any support.