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AS-IS FOCUS™ Billing Integration

Setting Up AS-IS Billing Cost (FOCUS™) consolidation

This consolidation supports two options for importing billing data per cloud provider:

  1. CSV Bucket Integration: Ingests billing data stored in CSV format from storage buckets.
  2. Analysis Query Integration: Uses queryable datasets (e.g., GCP BigQuery, AWS Athena).

Depending on the chosen option, different steps may be required to setup the provider's Billing Export process.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

  • Query-Based Integration (BigQuery):
    • Billing Project Name: The project where the billing dataset resides.
    • Billing Dataset Name: The dataset name chosen for the billing export.
    • Resource Table Name: The BigQuery table containing resource usage data.
  • Bucket Integration (Google Storage):
    • Bucket Name: The name of the Google Storage bucket containing billing data.

Obtaining required parameters using BigQuery

  1. Navigate to Billing Export
  2. Retrieve the project ID and dataset name from your cost detail export settings.
  3. Locate the resource table name in the BigQuery view. Select the specified project ID and dataset, and extract the full table name starting with gcp_billing_export_resource_v1_.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • Query-Based Integration (Athena):
    • Region: The AWS region of the Athena database.
    • Data Source Name: The name of the Athena data source.
    • Database Name: The database where billing tables are stored.
    • Database Table Name: The table containing billing data.
    • Bucket Location: The S3 bucket location used for executing the Athena query, e.g. s3://billing-export/athena. See below for details.
  • Bucket Integration (S3):
    • Bucket Name: The name of the S3 bucket containing billing data.

Obtaining required parameters using Athena

  1. Access the Athena Query Editor in your AWS Console and ensure you select the appropriate region, data source, and database specified in the Billing Export.
  2. Use the highlighted names to configure the consolidation.
  3. Athena queries require an Output Location, so provide a Bucket Location with adequate permissions for the associated service account.

Microsoft Azure

  • Query-Based Integration (Microsoft Fabric):
    • In development
  • Bucket Integration (Azure Storage):
    • Storage Account Name: The name of the Azure storage account holding billing data.

Setting Up Provider FOCUS™ Billing Exports

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

This FOCUS™ Guide will guide you through the necessary steps. You should either have a look at the Analysis Query Integration OR the CSV Bucket Integration.

Analysis Query Integration

  1. Set up Cloud Billing data export to BigQuery by enabling Detailed Billing Export and Price Export.
  2. Skip the FOCUS™ BigQuery View, as it's not needed for this config.

CSV Bucket Integration

It could be difficult to store the output into a bucket directly, so we recommend using the Analysis Query Integration. Storing the output of a view may not work with the provided FOCUS™ view because of nested columns. While removing the nested columns would make it work, it would require manual intervention.

  1. Set up Cloud Billing data export to BigQuery by enabling Detailed Billing Export and Price Export.
  2. Use the FOCUS™ BigQuery view to map your billing data into the FOCUS schema for standardized analysis.
  3. Export as CSV into cloud storage bucket manually.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

This FOCUS™ Guide will guide you through the necessary steps. You should either have a look on the Analysis Query Integration (Cloudformation template) OR the CSV Bucket Integration (FOCUS data export).

Analysis Query Integration

CloudFormation template can be used to automate setting up a FOCUS export and merge data from several accounts into a single Amazon Athena database.

CSV Bucket Integration

  1. In the Billing and Cost Management console, set up a FOCUS Data Export.
  2. Select the "FOCUS 1.0 with AWS Columns" table.
  3. Follow the prompts to create a new export, specifying your desired frequency and S3 destination.

Microsoft Azure

This FOCUS™ Guide will guide you through the necessary steps.
For Azure, we support the “CSV Bucket Integration”.

CSV Bucket Integration

  1. In the Azure portal, access Cost Management and select the "Exports" option.
  2. Configure export settings to align with the FOCUS schema, specifying the required storage destination.

Required permissions

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Analysis Query Integration

  • bigquery.tables.get
  • bigquery.tables.getData

CSV Bucket Integration

  • storage.buckets.get
  • storage.objects.get
  • storage.objects.list

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Analysis Query Integration

  • s3:GetBucketLocation at least limited to given Bucket Location
  • s3:GetObject at least limited to given Bucket Location
  • s3:PutObject at least limited to given Bucket Location
  • s3:ListBucket at least limited to given Bucket Location
  • athena:StartQueryExecution
  • athena:GetQueryExecution
  • athena:GetQueryResults
  • glue:GetDatabase
  • glue:GetPartitions
  • glue:GetTable

CSV Bucket Integration

  • s3:GetObject
  • s3:ListBucket

Microsoft Azure

CSV Bucket Integration

  • Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/list
  • Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/list
  • Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/read