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Multi-Tenancy (Main Menu / Admin / Tenants) allows you to share one Txture instance among multiple tenants, each having their own slice of the overall data.


With User Roles and Permissions you can restrict access to Assets and Links based on the Structure. Tenants allow for Structure-independent access control. The primary use case for Tenants is when Txture is installed at a service provider, e.g. a Datacenter, and clients (Tenants) of that service provider should only be able to report their slice of the managed Assets. This is achieved by assigning each User and each Asset to one or more Tenants. Each User only has access to the Assets which have at least one assigned Tenant in common with the User. Configuration options are not affected by tenants. This means that settings made for a Txture instance are applied to all tenants.

Example: Datacenter Multi-Tenancy

Let's assume that Txture is installed at a Datacenter. This Datacenter has three clients, Your Customer 1, Your Customer 2 and Your Customer 3. There are also several users involved:

The setup above will result in the following visibility chart:

UserDocker RegistryMailserver ViennaCMDB MunicCRM for D-A-CH region
Txture Administrator
Hanno Hybrid
Tina Trafo
Susan Support
John Doe

This table exhibits a number of special cases which are explained below

Creating and Editing Tenants

New Tenants can be added via the add button in the left panel. This will bring up the details form in the right panel. The same panel is used for editing; select an existing Tenant in the list on the left to edit it. Aside from the name and description, you can choose whether you want to create a Read-Only Tenant or a Read-Write Tenant with the corresponding checkbox. Finally, you can add Users to the Tenant, or remove them from the Tenant with the button.

Do not forget to Save your changes.

Deleting a Tenant

A Tenant can be deleted by selecting it from the list on the left, then using the delete button in the top right corner.

Deleting a Tenant has the following side effects:

  • The Tenant will be removed from all Assets to which it was assigned. This might remove the last Tenant from an Asset, making it visible only to Users without any Tenant.
  • The Tenant will be removed from all Users.

Removing the last Tenant from a User

When removing the last Tenant from a User (either by doing so explicitly, or by deleting the Tenant), that User will be able to see all Assets in accordance with the rules. When removing Tenants, please make sure that no unintentional Tenant-less Users result from your operations.


What happens if no Tenant is assigned?

There are a couple of special cases which occur if either a User Account or an Asset has no Tenant assigned.

  • If a User has no Tenant assigned, this account is able to report all Assets. This is usually the case for the "owners" of the Txture instance. User Accounts with the admin Role typically have no Tenants assigned and can see all Assets.

  • If a User has a Tenant assigned, and there are no Assets associated with this Tenant, then this User will not see any Assets. The Repository (and all Reports) will appear to be empty from the perspective of this User.

  • If an Asset has no Tenant assigned then it will be visible only to Users who have no Tenants assigned. In other words, Assets without Tenants will not be visible to Users who belong to any Tenant(s).

Can I have different Txture settings / a different structure for different tenants?

No. Tenants only allow to separate assets from different tenant users. Just as the settings, the Structure is also the same for all tenants.