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Getting Started with Business Case Builder

This document aims to guide you through the process of creating a cloud business case calculation with the Business Case Builder module in Txture.

The main use-case of the Business Case Builder is in the preparation phase of bids and offers when the following criteria are met:

  • Only technical/infrastructure data from cloud estates, on-premises, database inventories etc. is known
  • Quick cost estimations for cloud target architectures are required
  • Several scenarios should be compared and presented

1. Data input

The starting point for each business case calculation is the data input via the Data Source Management in the Txture Admin section. The process is the same as in the Transformation Cockpit.

  • Identify available data sources: frequently mainly data dumps from cloud estates, IT infrastructure or database inventories are available in this project phase
  • Create data sources for each of these resources
  • Create asset importers for the different asset-types (virtual servers, etc.)

Consider current limitations

  • Computations are limited to one region per proposal
  • Pricing estimations do not include network and runtime usage data

After finishing the data import, navigate to the section Business Case Builder in the menu bar.

2. Add new Business Case

Based on the data input in the previous step, Txture now calculates the business case. To create a new case, follow the steps below:

  1. Click "Add new".
  2. Specify a title for the case.
  3. Specify the scope query for your business case using Txture Query Language. Here you define what assets should be contained in the business case.
  4. Select the cloud provider for your business case.
  5. Specify the allowed locations for the business case.
  6. Specify the cloud approach, you want to see in your business case. The cloud approach determines how your As-Is assets get replaced in the business case.
  7. (Optionally) specify advanced preferences.

Repeat the steps above to generate alternative cases for different cloud providers, locations, technologies etc.

Advanced Preferences

You can find more details about the advanced preferences in our documentation on Target Architecture Preferences.

3. Business Case Comparison

The Business Case Builder shows the As-Is and all generated cloud target architectures next to each other to facilitate easy comparison. Choose between the different comparison modes:

  • Products/Sizing: Enables quick comparison of used technologies per business case, showing cost and sizing grouped by asset type.

  • Cost: Lists the monthly prices of the calculated business cases side by side to identify the most attractive proposal in terms of cost. It also displays the currently selected pricing options in a combined price comparison chart, showing how much each scenario would cost per month.

  • Migration Stats: Gives a quick overview which component-wise migration strategies are used (e.g. Replace, Replatform, etc.), to roughly indicate complexity and effort of a migration.

By clicking on View Details, you can open the detail view for the selected business case, which will provide you with further insight into the proposed target architecture.

In addition to the Overview, you can access the As-Is data, the detailed Price & Bill of Materials and more information about the proposed Products in the detailed view of the business cases.