Do I get duplicate assets if I rerun an importer?
No! Txture's importers provide a syncing mechanism that allows for rerunning importers and simply updating previously imported assets to the newest state of the data source.
My MariaDB / MySQL connection runs into a timeout error. Any advice?
SQL importers can run into timeout under certain circumstances. This typically leads to error message similar to
"\[...\ caused by: SocketTimeoutException: \[Read timed out\]"
You can modify the timeout of the connection via the JBCD connection string parameter socketTimeout. You can set it to 0 in order to deactivate the timeout. A full connection string could then look like this:
JDBC Connection String
How can I track what has been added to or changed in the repository by executing an importer?
Each importer has a Reports section where you can check when an importer has been executed. In this section, you can open logs for each importer-execution or show all changes in a list.