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8 docs tagged with "tutorial"

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Business Application

In Txture, a Business Application is a key part of the platform's default data model.

Exporting data

Txture offers a variety of options to retrieve data from its repository.

Getting Started

On this page, you can find a set of video walkthroughs that are supposed to quickly get you started with the Txture user interface.


In this section we provide tutorial-like "How-to guides" of how certain tasks are solved in Txture.

Importing from CSV or Excel files

Quite often, particularly when starting new projects, a good starting point to get some data into Txture is an existing CSV or Excel file.

Importing from Excel files

Since excel sheets are a widespread form of information collection, Txture offers various ways to import information from this file format:

Manual Modeling in Txture

While Txture offers multiple ways to import existing data or to crowd-source data, it can still be necessary to manually enter data.

Modeling Best Practices

Txture’s flexible Data Model and the different modeling capabilities in its Dependency and Tree reports offer various options for representing specific architectural constructs.