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The Changelog View (Main Menu / Admin / Changelog) shows an audit trace of your Txture Server in a table.

The Changelog consists of individual Events. Each event has several properties, which are displayed as columns in the table:

  • Level: Describes the severity level of the event. Values include Info, Warning, Error and Fatal Error.
  • Event Type: Categorizes the event for easier filtering.
  • Date/Time: The time at which the event occurred.
  • User: The User Account responsible for triggering the event (if any).
  • Message: The message attached to the event.

The changelog table is always sorted by event time (newest events on top). Since the contents of the log table are constantly changing as Txture is being used, you will see a snapshot of the current logs. If you want to check for newer log entries while the report is open, use the Refresh button in the top right corner of the report.

Filtering the Changelog

The changelog can be filtered in a variety of ways. All filters on the user interface are cumulative, i.e. applying multiple filters will result in a table showing only events which satisfy all search criteria.

All of those properties can be used to filter the log table by clicking on the button:

In this dialog, you can enable and disable individual categories and log levels of events. An event passes the filter if it belongs to one of the activated levels or categories, otherwise the event is filtered out.

Filtering by Message or User

You can also filter the message content by entering a search term into the text box:

This filter performs a text contains search on the message of the events, as well as the name of their User Account. If either the message or the User Account name contains the search text, the event passes the filter, otherwise the event is filtered out.

Filtering by Time

Finally, you can filter the events by time range:

The changelog table is always sorted by event time (newest events on top). Using the Time Filter, you can restrict the earliest date and time you are interested in. All newer events will be removed from the report.