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Notification Rules

The Notification Rules UI (Main Menu / Admin / Notification rules) allows the admin to configure notifications about changes in the repository.


Notifications are automatically generated messages that contain information about what has changed in the repository. These messages will be sent via email according to the configured notification rules.

Each rule controls who (subject) is notified about which changes (resource + modification) in what interval (frequency).

The following example Rules

can be read/interpreted as:

  • The user admin gets notified every day about creation of Physical Servers.
  • The user admin gets notified every day about creation of Virtual Servers.

The admin user therefore gets a daily email containing all new physical and virtual servers created within the previous day.

Email Notification Bundling

Every recipient will receive at most one email per day (or per week respectively). This email contains the report generated according to the rules. If multiple rules match for the same recipient, the email will contain the combined results.

For example, in the configuration above, if one physical and one virtual server are added during the same day, the user admin will only receive one email displaying both changes.


The subject of the rule configures the recipient of the message:

Specific UserThe rule applies to the chosen Txture User
Members of RoleThe rule applies to each member of the chosen User Role
Owner(s) of matching assetsThe rule applies to owners of assets. The recipient is determined dynamically by finding all owners of the assets matched by the configured resource


Note that for this functionality to be available, the concept of ownership of assets has to be implemented. This is done using semantic tags.


The configured frequency controls how often a message is generated and also the time frame of the message.

Every DayA daily message is generated containing the matching changes of the past 24 hours. If there have been no changes in the last 24 hours, no message will be sent.
Every WeekA weekly message is generated containing all matching changes of the past 7 days. If there have been no changes in the last 7 days, no message will be sent.
Every MonthA monthly message is generated containing all matching changes of the past month. If there have been no changes in the past month, no message will be sent.
After each changeA message is sent very shortly after the change has occurred. This can be useful in processes where certain users need to be informed about certain changes. This can result in a lot of messages being generated, therefore use this setting with care.

Configuring the Change Notification Delay

If you select After each change as notification frequency, Txture will not send this message immediately. Instead, the message will be delayed for a certain time period. Any other change in Txture which would result in notifying the same user will be bundled into one message. This can greatly reduce message spam. Depending on your use case, you may prefer longer or shorter delays.

The time period Txture is waiting for other changes before it sends a change notification by default is 2 minutes. This value can be altered by setting the property in your file to the desired duration (in milliseconds). Please note that the minimum delay (regardless of this setting) is 1 second.


The configured modification allows to specify which type of change the recipient should be informed of.

Any asset changeThis setting matches all changes and contains all settings described below: creation of assets, update of any value and deletion of assets
Any asset updateOnly matches changes of property values (not restricted to a specific property)
Value change of specific propertyOnly matches if the value of a specific property is changed
Deletion of an assetOnly matches when an asset gets deleted
Creation of new assetsOnly matches when a new asset is created

As properties can be used in different asset-types, the Value change of specific property setting allows to choose both the property in any asset type or the property in a specific asset type. e.g Property Name in any type matches all name changes, independent of the asset type. Property Name in type Physical Server does only match name changes of the Physical server.


The resource specifies what needs to change in order to trigger a notification. Please note that not all users may have access to all resources due to Multi-Tenancy Rules and Permissions. Regardless of the configuration of notification rules, a user will only be informed about changes on assets they have access to.

Any AssetMatches any asset the recipient has access to.
Assets of AspectMatches any assets of a specific Aspect (e.g. Aspect Physical could contain both Physical Servers and Storage )
Assets of asset-typeMatches all assets of this type.