Txture Surveys
This page is intended for survey recipients who have received a survey invitation link. To learn how to configure a survey, please consult the survey administration documentation.
Txture surveys are a tool to collect information from application owners and other stakeholders in a company in an efficient manner. If you received a survey invitation, you most likely are being asked about an application that you administer or own.
Navigating a Txture survey is easy. Below example contains four sections displayed as tabs. You may jump from any section to any other at any time - all answers will be saved.
In the example, all questions are in the context of the application "Business Relationship Manager" - this is shown in the info section of the survey view. So when asked about properties, like in the user interface example, or linkage to other asset types, please answer in the context of that application.
By clicking on the Survey Overview button in the info section, you can access a tree report of the current state of your application. This allows you to quickly review modelled links.
Question Types
There are four different types of questions that can be used in surveys:
- List Reviewing Question
- Asset Reviewing Question
- Question for a Property Value
- Question to Generate Links
Type 1: List Reviewing Question
List reviewing questions provide a list which should be checked according to the question stated above. In the example below, a list of applications is shown that needs to be checked for completeness.
If you notice that an asset is missing from the list, you can click + Create Asset to add it to the list. In the example above, you are asked to complete the list of applications, so you would need to select the asset type "Application" in the underlying dialogue. You can then fill in some properties and save the application.
Type 2: Asset Reviewing Question
The asset reviewing question presents you with a form including all properties of an element. For example, if an application asset is shown, several properties such as the lifecycle, business relevance, etc. might be asked for. Please be aware that multiple assets might be shown - be sure to check the "Next asset" button below the form to jump to the next one.
Type 3: Question for a Property Value
In questions of this kind, the value of a property is asked. In the example, a value is already existent, which can be overwritten if wrong. Note that the question will be considered as "answered" if a value is present (even if it was the pre-filled value).
Type 4: Question to Generate Links
This type of question is about the relationship between the context asset and other assets. A typical example is an application asset that runs on a virtual server asset.
In the example below, the application "Business Relationship Manager" consists of the technical component "brm-ws01".
In case you are missing a technical component, click on the + Create new link button. You will be presented with a list of currently known technical components. Select all relevant technical components and click on Select asset.
By clicking on the Show columns button you can access the table settings where you can add, hide or reorder columns. This is useful if you need additional information about the listed assets. In the overlay you can use the search bar at the top to search for properties or link types to add to the table. Below the search bar you will see the columns that are currently visible in the table. Clicking on any of them will remove that column from the table. You can reorder the columns using the small arrow icons on the right. On the left hand side of the overlay you can see all the Asset Types available. Click on one to filter the properties and link types to those associated with the selected asset type.
If relevant components are not in the list, click on + Create asset to create a new asset which will then be linked.
Within questions to generate links, there is also the option to ask follow-up questions. Whenever you see the >> Open questions link as shown in the screenshot above, you are also asked to enter additional information about the linked asset. To help you navigate, you will see breadcrumbs above the follow-up questions that tell you which asset you are currently working on. Once you filled in all follow-up questions you can hit Save & continue to go back to the "main" survey. For surveys with many link generation questions, the tree report, accessible via the Survey Overview button, is particularly useful for keeping track of the modelled stack.
Which credentials can I use for the login?
Depending on the configuration that your Txture administrator chose, there are several options:
- If you received a second email with a password setting link, please first finish the password creation process. After setting a password, proceed to answer the questions in the survey using the newly configured credentials.
- In case your organization uses OAuth / OpenID Connect you are presented with an option to use these credentials.
- Txture could be configured to use your company-wide Active Directory credentials.
Why do I have to log in?
Txture tracks information about all data entered in a timeline. In order for your Txture administrator to be able to contact you in case of questions, you are required to login.
What if I don't know the answer to a question?
No problem. Just proceed to the next question. In case the unanswered question was marked as mandatory, you might receive an email reminder in a few days. If this is the case, please contact your Txture administrator (via the "Need Help" button) to exclude you from further reminders. Additionally, feel free to forward your invitation to someone who knows the answer. Please answer as many questions as possible. If you do not know the answer to a mandatory question, ask someone else or contact your Txture administrator (via the "Need Help" button).