Tree Report
The tree report is a report type specialized for hierarchical data e.g. applications and their sub components. The tree report is also well suited for manually modeling constructs in Txture and is, therefore, frequently used during the Data Collection phase.
Follow the steps below to configure your own dependency report:
- There are three ways how to add assets to the tree report:
- Use the query bar on the left to add assets and paths between assets.
- Use the
Add asset(s)
button to add one or many assets. - After you've added an asset, you can utilize it to link to other assets. To do so, hover over the asset and click on the link icon. This way of adding assets is useful to model stacks.
- Optional: Use the
Hide links
menu to remove specific links from the report. This is helpful if the there are multiple link types between two asset types but you only want to visualize a single link. - Optional: Use the
Flip edge direction
menu to horizontally invert the direction of the tree. - Optional: Use the
Change tree orientation
menu to vertically invert the direction of the tree. - Use the
button to save the configuration of your tree report.
The following screenshot shows an example of a tree report. In this example, the deplyoment stack of an application named "Smart Stock" is depicted.
Flipping edge direction
The data is displayed as a tree growing from left to right with all links pointing in the same direction. By default the links point to the leaf assets on the right. The direction can be flipped via the "Flip edge direction"-button so that all links point to their parent assets to the left.
The following example shows how flipping the edge direction can help you visualize different aspects of your data:
Leafs to root | Root to leafs |
Your data result in multiple smaller trees if the assets are not connected. The tree report shows all links between the assets within the report, even if they break the hierarchy as these links might be the result of a documentation error.
In the following example, the dependency of "Application A" on "Application B" results in "Application A" not working if either "Server A" or "Server B" crashes.
The tree can be zoomed via mouse wheel or the zoom buttons in the bottom left corner. The tree report can also be moved/panned by holding the left or right mouse button while dragging the image.
As the tree focuses on visualizing hierarchical data, the context menu of each asset provides quick access for navigation or creation. Open the contect menu by a right-click on an asset from the tree. The terms parent and child depend on the current edge direction. Parents are assets to the left of your current one, and children are to the right.
Resolve parent(s)
resolves the parent(s) of the current entity. If the selected asset was one of the very left assets (roots), the newly resolved assets will become the root(s).Resolve children
resolves following the edge direction and will result in a new branch starting from the selected asset.Resolve path to
resolves following the edge direction to the selected asset type.
The tree report supports the styling of both assets and links via conditional styling.
The tree can be exported as PDF, PNG or SVG file by using the report menu in the upper right corner.