Donut Chart
The donut chart allows to group assets based on their property values. Typical examples include virtual servers grouped by their operating systems, applications by their migration state and databases by their database engine.
A custom query can be grouped by a single criterion and the result is depicted as a donut chart. The size of the slices is proportional to the number of elements in each segment. Additionally, the content of segments can be further inspected in a new table report by clicking on them.
Follow the steps to create a new donut chart:
- Use the query to create custom queries.
- Use the
Group by
drop-down menu and group your donut chart based on the desired property. - Use the
button on the right to save your configuration of your donut chart. - A click on a slice of the donut chart opens a new table report that shows all entries containing the same property value.
Grouping small slices
Depending on the grouping you choose there might be a lot of small individual slices that contain only very few elements as compared to the other slices. You can click the icon at the top in order to collapse those slices into a single one labeled as "Others". Click the again to revert the collapse.
There are three modes for the labels of the donut chart:
: shows no labels at all (e.g. for usage in dashboard)Outside
: shows the label next to the slice (this might not work correctly if the slices are too small)Legend
: shows the labels as a legend next to the chart.
The donut report only shows accumulative data, the styling via conditional styling is therefore not available. However, it is possible to change the color of the slices.
Use a color scheme
Donut charts support three different color modes: In the default mode the slices use the txture color scheme. Gradient and gradient weighted allow to use colors of a user defined linear gradient to color the slices. The difference is how the specific color is chosen from the configured gradient. The weighted gradient takes the size of each slice into account, where the non weighted gradient mode ignores it.
This leads to the effect that the Nth slice always has the same color in the non-weighted mode, but changes its color based on its position within the donut in the weighted variant.
Manually change color of a slice
It is possible to assign a specific color to each slice of the donut chart. To do so, hover over the slice whose color you want to change. This opens up a small dialog window show some basic info as well as the currently selected color. Click on the color bar to change it.
The donut can be exported as PDF, PNG or SVG file.