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Aggregation Over Time

This report shows the asset count over time based on a query. Data is visualized as a diagram that shows the time on the x-axis and the number of elements that result from the query on the y-axis.


Follow the steps to create a new Aggregation Over Time report:

  1. Use the query bar on the left to filter and create custom queries.
  2. Define the time range of your interest: It is possible to choose predefined time ranges (past year, last 6 months, ...) or to define a time range flexibly.
  3. Use the Axis configuration menu to set the axes (more about configuring axes below).
  4. Use the Save button on the right to save the configuration of your report.

Configuring Axes

The default line configuration creates a single line counting the number of assets returned by the query. This can be changed/extended via the Axis configuration menu:

In the example shown above, both the left and right axis have been configured to show different aspects of the query result. The average RAM is shown on the left axis. The color of the line is set to red and is, therefore, not picked from the default line color gradient.

The right axis shows the number of servers at the specific points in time. Here multiple lines are shown via split data. In this mode, the data is grouped by the specified property and a line is generated for each group. In this example the query returns both virtual and physical servers. So two lines are shown with the specific values.