Functional vs Technical Fit Analysis
The Functional vs Technical Fit analysis is a quadrant chart which is based on the idea of the Gartner TIME analysis. The chart places each application into one of the four sections: Tolerate, Invest, Migrate, Eliminate. The position is determined by placing each application at the intersection of these two scores:
Functional Fit Score
The Funcational Score is determined by the following property values:
- Business Criticality (High, Medium, Low)
- Business Continuity Relevance (High, Medium, Low)
- Innovation Lever (High, Medium, Low, None)
- Business Expansion Potential (High, Medium, Low, None)
Technical Fit Score
The Technical Fit is determined by the following property values:
- Technology End of Life (Date)
- Application Development (High, Medium, Low, None)
- Technical Support Available (Full, Partial, None)